Tuesday, October 30, 2007


In sub-Saharan Africa, one child dies of malaria every thirty seconds.

I’m working on an article for an African newspaper about the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative, which hopes to reduce malaria-related deaths by fifty percent. I was trying to make this statistic positive, to show what a difference programs funded by the initiative, like MIHV’s new Malaria Communities Project will make.

They will make a difference. And if they halve malaria deaths it will be huge.

But a child will still die of malaria every minute.


Kimara said...

Hi Sarah,

I'm the new in-office intern at MIHV. I'm enjoying following your blog. This last post made me want to cry! every 30 seconds is heartbreaking.

kc said...

Whatever little good that Bush may be doing to help humans dying of malaria, in my mind, is more than farce. If he actually wanted to mitigate the too common travesty that persons are dying of treatable illnesses, perhaps he would stop playing rag doll for the monopolized pharmaceutical companies hiking up pill prices. But, send me your article.

Owl said...

How do you manage to keep your chin up? How?