Saturday, October 27, 2007

Karibu Karatu

After almost two months in Uganda, working on MIHV’s Child Spacing Program and new Malaria initiative, I’ve moved to Karatu, Tanzania, a district in northern Tanzania that is home to MIHV’s Child Survival Project.

In Karatu, where 112 of every 1,000 children born die before their fifth birthday, MIHV's project is promoting maternal newborn care and child spacing and working to control malaria, diarrheal disease and acute respiratory infections. Over the next five years,the project will help over 100,000 people. The project reaches the community through groups like Survive and Thrive, a support group that enforces healthy behaviors for young single mothers and MAISHA (Men Active in Sustaining Health, MAISHA means "life" in Swahili). MAISHA works with taxi drivers in the region to convey health messengers to their passengers and trains the drivers to assist with emergency transport to clinics.

Karibu Tanzania!

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