Wednesday, September 5, 2007

To the Field

This morning I'm leaving for Ssembabule (red), one of MIHV's two Ugandan field sites. The drive from Kampala (blue) to Ssembabule will take about four hours.

Being in Kampala has been wonderful, I've gotten to meet Paige, MIHV's Uganda Country Director, who is incredible. I've wandered through the tombs of the ancient Buganda kings, met with editors at the local Ugandan papers, visited the Nommo National Art Gallery and feel somewhat adjusted to life here.

That said, I can't wait to get into the field. The work MIHV does really happens in the field. Throughout the month of September every Sunday MIHV will be hosting a Family Planning Day, a day designed to be fun for the community while also increasing awareness about reproductive health and MIHV's programs. These Sundays will target males and youth and aim to increase their involvement in family planning. The events will include a drama show, quizzes, a puppet show, a soccer match, and a film show.

Being in the field will give me the opportunity to meet MIHV's Ugandan staff (Paige is the only American working for MIHV's Ugandan programs) and Community Health Workers as well as the beneficiaries of MIHV's programs. I hope that being there, sitting and listening and sharing time and place, will allow me to start to tell their stories.

In the next few weeks I'll be at both the Ssembabule site and Mubende (yellow) site. Ssembabule doesn't have electricity or running water, let alone internet, so I may not be able to post until I get to Mubende.

I'll write soon. Take care.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Wow, you amaze me Sarah. The pictures are wonderful. Please let me know how the family day went and more about the people you work with as you meet them.