Saturday, January 19, 2008

Nimefurahi kukujua (I am happy to know you)

Hello, I am Amy Walsh. I am a fourth year medical student at the University of Minnesota. After going home for the holidays, I leave tomorrow to return to Karatu, Tanzania. I was in Karatu for four months this fall, and will spend four more months in Karatu before returning to my studies. So far my work has focused on designing a training for local drug shopkeepers to help them recognize emergencies and improve drug dispensing procedures and designing a training for local taxi drivers and long haul truckers to help them provide emergency transport and community health education (MIHV's MAISHA program).

A little about me, I grew up in Bettendorf, IA and studied Biology and Chemistry at the University of Missouri before medical school. I delayed my graduation from medical school to participate in MIHV's project in Tanzania, and after I complete school I plan to pursue a career in Emergency Medicine. I am hoping to integrate international medicine into my career, though as of yet I am unsure how I will do that. Outside of academics, some of my interests are ultimate frisbee and mountain biking, and I've been spending my off time in Karatu braving the dust in Karatu to go running and reading a lot of incredible books, next on the list is The Epic of Latin America.

I look forward to sharing my journey in Tanzania with you.

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